Länsirastit, Lahnus


S-#1-#2 OK, then towards #3 should have rounded the steep cliff altogether and avoided the ascent/descent after #2 - still #3 and #4 are among the best splits.

A complete blackout after #4 when I ran 180-degrees in the wrong direction for a while 🙁

#6 OK but then very close to the correct stone at #7 a loop to the right instead. #8 is again a good split - mostly running along paths and roads.

Then again completely the wrong direction out of #8 🙁 #10 and #11 look like good splits but didn't feel that great as the vegetation was thick and thorny.

Itärastit, Latokartano


An easy course where the challenge was keeping up speed and planning well ahead so that there were no walking breaks or stops. 4th out of 40 runners is pretty good although the level isn't that high on these Saturday events 🙂

  • #3 somehow ran past the control and up the wrong hill. over 2 minutes lost 🙁
  • My zigzag route to #5 isn't good. Straighter or staying on one side of the control-line would be better.
  • To #7 along paths - safe but maybe too slow. Perhaps straighter down the hill out of #6 would have been faster.

Firmaliiga 4/2014, Nuuksionpää

Fourth firmaliiga event of the year yesterday at nuuksionpää in the Noux national park.


  • #1-#4 mostly OK, perhaps a bit slow/unsure running to #1.
  • #5 a lot of time lost here for some reason - maybe straighter along the #4-#5 line has less ascent/descent?
  • #6-#9 again mostly OK
  • #10 only major mistake - quite thick forest with low visibility, I wasn't high enough up on the hill, and ran through to the road behind the control before turning back and finding it.
  • #11-F OK.




Länsirastit, Olari


After a summer break it's time to start orienteering again.

Stable, controlled, and positive run today! Perhaps because rain and thunder had lowered the temperature by five degrees to around +22C so it wasn't as hot as otherwise lately.

  • at #1 should have followed the path for a bit longer, and read the map more carefully to check that the control is actually quite high up on the hill.
  • #3 perhaps a straighter route in the beginning - and then "punching through" to the big path with speed instead of a tentative J-bend close to the control circle.
  • Found #7 before #6 - should have used better intermediate checkpoints when stepping off the path close to #6
  • To #11 I actually planned to take the norther road but then aimlessly ran down the hill out of #10 and found myself on the straight road south of #10.

Iltarastit Solvalla

Last orienteering run before Jukola - maybe mistakes made now means there are none left in the bag for Jukola?


K-1-2 nothing special. #2 is best split.
3 more north out of #2 would have been less steep downhill, and would have found the road sooner.
4 crazy mistake although I was inside the control circle on 2 or 3 occasions..
5-6-7-8 nothing special
9 split is slow but GPS-trace follows line OKish. Maybe a little south would have been faster.
10-11-12 OKish, but there is no excuse for not running straight along the 11-12 line.
13 came up from the flat "Punjonsuo" a little more left than had planned, but was easily on the map again.

Itärastit Paloheinä


S-#1 the paths directly north would have been faster
#5-#6 running on the roads, maybe even straight over the hill, would have been faster than pushing through the green area.
#6-#7 bad direction out of #6, straight north would have been OK
#7-#8 most time lost here, and worst split 🙁 Ran along the line until almost inside the control-circle but then circled around loosing 3 minutes. The road north, maybe via the big stone before the control, would have been a safer option?
#11-#12 aiming for the same North-South paths that lead to #1 would maybe have been faster than running along the blue ditch in the green.

Maybe one more orienteering practice before Jukola next weekend!

Espoorastit Oittaa


Four troublesome controls out of 15 in total.

#4 would have deserved more respect - I just ran roughly out from #3 and started to look for #4 on the wrong hill. Should have used the big stone and the big path as intermediate checkpoints.

#9 was located quite low and close to the yellow field, so the approach from the powerline and cliffs above is completely wrong. Should have instead taken the small path all the way to the corner of the field and #9 from there.

Inexplicably lost track of the hills on the way towards #10 and looked for it already on hill nr 2. Then a poorly planned direction out of #10 towards #11 through slow terrain. Staying on the white area of the map would have been much faster.

Länsirastit Kiimasuo


A map where the straightest route was fastest. Many places had cut down trees which were best avoided.

2-3: Drifted too much right, thus my route is unnecessarily long at 137% of the straight-line distance.

5-6: Tried to avoid the slow green area by running on the road/rock, but didn't hit the control and ran past it a bit. Worst split 🙁

8-9: Not much to read/observe on the downslope towards #9. My direction out of #8 is off a bit towards the south and I should have used the big stone and open clearing (circled yellow) as an intermediate checkpoint. Crossed the ditch too much south but found #9 reasonably quickly.