We've had a number of Atom C2000 machines die during the past 1-2 years. The most recent one ran continuously since 2015 until 2020/05. The randomly dying machines are SuperMicro 5018A-MLTN4 with A1SAM-2550F motherboard.
Via EEVBlog we now found this simple fix. And it works!
Amazingly SuperMicro or other vendors don't seem to advertize or talk about this simple fix very much...

Thank you very much for this! I've had 2 Supermicro boards failing on me in my home lab, and with this easy fix they are back up and running 🙂
Hi, glad you like the post and hope your Atom-boards work!
Thanks so much! this works on the A1SRi-2758F boards too. Mine has been degrading over a few months until it wouldn't boot. Now running perfectly for 24hours with this simple fix.
Thank you so much! Same here, my A1SAi-2750F is now working again. 🙂 It worked now since 9 years. I hope it will last a few more years.