Jämsä-Jukola statistics

Here's the distribution of total time for teams in the Jämsä-Jukola relay:

Jukola 2013_fig

Here are the distributions of individual times for the seven legs of the relay.

Jukola 2013, 1st leg, 12.2 km_fig

The histogram from the first leg shows bunching of runners into groups - this is different from all the remaining legs.

Jukola 2013, 2nd leg, 13.0 km_fig Jukola 2013, 3rd leg, 14.4 km_fig
The 2nd and 3rd leg look quite similar. Note how the histograms lean to the left - there are many amateurs of varying ability which contribute to the long tail to the right.

Jukola 2013, 4th leg, 7.8 km_fig Jukola 2013, 5th leg, 7.7 km_fig

The 4th and 5th legs are shorter and faster.

Jukola 2013, 6th leg, 11.7 km_fig Jukola 2013, 7th leg, 15.1 km_fig
The 6th leg is again longer with the final 7th leg being the longest of them all.

Scraping scripts (requires minor modifications to downloaded results html file): jukola_scrape

2012 Exercise statistics

2010 2011 2012
Running (km) 1133 1053 1132
- Half-marathons 3 (2:12, 1:57, 1:50) 1 (1:53) 1 (1:42)
- Marathons 1 (4:42) 1 (4:13) 1 (4:00)
- Orienteering (events) 0 7 30
0-km weeks (no running at all) 12 8 11
Cycling (km) ~100? 2924 1853

The running kilometres include orienteering. Some goals for 2013:

  • 1:3x half-marathon.
  • 3:4x full marathon.
  • >3000km cycling. A 200km brevet ride would be nice.

See also: 2011 statistics

Two Million Meters

About 95k biked this week, which brings the grand total for 2011 up to 2000 km, or two million meters. Yay!

Here's a graph:

This shows that I have been riding about 85k per week from week 13 until now (week 37). The three >100k rides to/from Tammisaari show up as peaks, as well as the 2-day Luumäki trip. Week 29 is the only one with zero km's, because of the 24h rogaining trip/event. Extrapolating until the end of the year a 85k/week rate will bring the total over 3000 km, but we'll see how tough it gets with ice, snow, and winter-tires...

On the running side of things it would be nice to get up to 1000 km again, but I'm now about 50-70k behind last years schedule.